Thursday, February 12, 2009

Isabel: Life Crisis

Warning: This is a blog written by Isabel Hart, a character from How the Hart Breaks by Alysia Lyons, with Isabel's thoughts and feelings from just before chapter one, Her New Life. Character Blogs are not filtered for readers who have yet to read the book. If you don't want the book to be spoiled for you, I recommend reading it first. For details on where to get it, go to

Isabel writes:

Some people look at my life and think that I have it all: money, fame, a fancy home, chart topping singles. I can't lie; my life is pretty great, but it's far from perfect. Critics don't see what happens when the music fades, behind closed doors and when the cameras stop flashing. They don't see the real me!

There's got to be more to life than tabloid articles writing crazy rumors about me. I catch myself wishing I'd never signed that singing contract five years ago. I wonder what Dad would have thought about it. I wonder if he would have let me. He always seemed to have everything together. But what do I really know? I was only 12 when he passed.

I wish he was here now. It would be so much easier if he could just tell me what to do. Going back to school is such a huge decision! Especially for me! Putting my career on hold? Is that really a smart thing to do? My manager, Nathaniel thinks I'm committing career suicide. I think he's just being over dramatic as always. It's just his way. But what if he's right?

Of course I've talked it over with Mackenzie's parents, and with Mackenzie. They are all for it! In fact, Mack said she'll enroll with me. Ha, this I've got to see!

I don't know why I'm still worrying about it! It's pretty much a done deal. School starts next week. Nathaniel has made all the arrangements. I addressed the press last week. They want to know why I'm taking a break. I couldn't tell them, even if I really wanted to. New York University would be swarming with my fans. I'd never get anything done.

Okay deep breaths! No more worrying. It's time to just suck it up. N.Y.U., here I come!

Isabel Hart